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Elementary Biology

16 Students enrolled
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Biology is the study of living things and posing questions about how living things interact with the environment—it is the science of life. Life flourishes on Earth, and a curiosity about life is a major motivator in why some people study biology.

In this elementary biology course, you will study the origins and history of both living and once-living things, the structures of organisms, how they interact with one another, and how they function. This will help you understand how humans have a vital role in preserving the natural environment and sustaining life on Earth.

Main Topics

  • Introduction to Biology
  • Organisms and Flow of Energy
  • Communities and Population
  • Ecology and Biodiversity
  • Chemistry in Biology
  • Cell Structure
  • Cell Function
  • Cell Respiration
  • Cell Reproduction
  • DNA and RNA
  • Modern Biotechnology
  • Evolution
  • Human Body

What is the target audience?

  • Middle or high school students
  • People who are interested in life science

Course Format

  • Online

Course Update

  • Once a week, continuous

Course details
Duration 55 hours
Lectures 36
Level Beginner
