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Fine Art (Master Class)

7 Students enrolled
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  • Description
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Fortress Besieged

As a new genre of fine arts, “soul art” originates from the soul and inspiration of the artist and depicts their innermost feelings to the viewers.

In this course, we will concentrate more on the inner lives of the students through artwork. Our unique art communication methods will help each child to create their own “soul art,” showcasing their different personalities. Students who complete this course are inspired to create beautiful and touching works of art.

Main Topics

  • Line drawing
  • Language of color
  • Hear the voice from inside
  • World in art
  • Paint your story
  • Sculpture of life

What is the target audience?

  • Students who have completed previous art/design or equivalent courses
  • Students aiming to be professional artists

Course Format

  • Online

Course Update

  • Once a week, continuous
Course details
Duration 50 hours
Lectures 20
Level Advanced
