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Summer/Winter Camps

We provide enriched programs during summer and winter breaks. From traveling to study of science, there is always a program for you.

Parent-child Camping Program

“It is far more rewarding to be a person who knows how to live than to allow yourself to be transformed by life.” – Roxanne

In this program, we are seeing more and more families benefit from nature trips. In these camping programs, parents and children will improve their understanding of each other, deepen the parent-child relationship, and together better understand the true meaning of love and companionship, which is rarely found in today’s busy urban life.

Many parents have busy schedules, and children are communicating more with iPads and other electronic devices alone, so there is a lack of companionship and communication between parents and their children. Our program allows them to create joyous memories, and to learn about and enjoy nature together. We have developed and planned different tours according to the needs of different children and family situations simultaneously. Parents will discover the potential of their children, and the children will gain a new understanding of our world through this travel, reduce their dependence on electronic devices, and develop self-confidence.

Learn more here.

Culture & Art Immersion Program

This program provides an in-depth understanding of various communities and promotes a multi-ethnic cultural exchange from literature and arts to lifestyle customs. For example, healing-oriented equestrian, herbs exploration, and Native American culture (e.g. Hopi Culture) will broaden students’ horizons and develop a healthy body and mindset.

explore diverse cultures

Innovative Science Program

Choose the most appropriate hot topics, for instance, 3D printers, and robots, for students in today’s society. Do not engage in vague scientific studies that are out of touch with reality. We encourage students to use customized educational tools for practical learning. To improve the overall quality of students in science and engineering, work with innovations that students can perform.


Online High School

We cooperate with several online accredited schools to provide remote high school courses, along with our feature courses. Students can obtain relevant degrees after registering and passing the examinations. We also have full-time counselors who are responsible for contacting the school to track each student’s situation.

Comprehensive Consulting Service

“Pragmatic learning, not just learning from books.”

This includes counselors for high school study and college application, as well as a comprehensive plan for student growth development and implementation. We provide exclusive solutions for different issues. Online and offline Study Lab* Academic counseling services help students shift their mindset and learn lifelong study skills. We have a full-time counselor to track students’ learning and arrange individual study plans.

*Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and other reasons, Study Lab is open irregularly in some areas. Please consult our representatives for the schedules, thank you!

Boarding Service

We offer 1-3 month boarding service plans for students. Our dedicated teachers provide students with guidance in all aspects of their lives, from physical and lifestyle habits to learning and education. They will help advise them in correcting bad habits, improving their emotional condition, and overall helping to set your child up for success. The children will begin to know themselves and be able to figure out their goals and find the motivation to achieve them. Also, at the end of the service, parents are given an executable and highly referenced plan for student growth.

Elite Volunteer

We organize various volunteer services and encourage our elite volunteers to participate actively in the community. From education and literature to the arts, we maintain good relationships with a number of non-profit organizations. The President’s Volunteer Service Award will be given to any elite volunteers who meet the criteria. It is also a great encouragement to the American people, who are dedicated to public service.