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6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
55 hours
Members only
Many people consider physics to be a difficult science that is far removed from their daily lives; this may be because many of the world’s most fam...
35 Lectures
55 hours
Members only
6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
130 hours
Members only
Students will learn how to represent verbal quantitative situations algebraically and evaluate algebraic expressions for given replacement values o...
84 Lectures
130 hours
Members only
6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
55 hours
Members only
Biology is the study of living things and posing questions about how living things interact with the environment—it is the science of life. Life fl...
36 Lectures
55 hours
Members only
6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
130 hours
Members only
What is chemistry? Chemistry is a physical science that focuses on the study of the structure and composition of matter, which makes up all living ...
85 Lectures
130 hours
Members only
6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
50 Hours
Members only
The primary goal of this basic art class is to expand aesthetic awareness and develop the aesthetic judgment of students, and to establish self-est...
33 Lectures
50 Hours
Members only
6th-8th Grades Courses & Tutoring
40 hours
Members only
The primary goal of this course is to enhance the students’ critical thinking and writing skills in English. No matter what subjects you learn, you...
10 Lectures
40 hours
Members only