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Welcome to Zenith Study Lab!

We are an innovative educational platform that has inherited the excellent ideas of Yen-Li School, a traditional Eastern philosophy, integrates both modern Eastern and Western educational concepts and practices, as well as promotes communication between various ethnic groups and cultures. Our goal is to cultivate practical skills and outstanding talents with comprehensive practical abilities.

We offer the latest and most suitable online/offline courses. From basic education to practical skills training, from physical and mental health to further education planning, we provide every student with an exclusive and executable plan. Our educational services help them complete required school courses and assist them in graduation.

In addition, we have a program that specializes in educational travel, offering study tours, luxury tours, and personalized travel projects. These include traditional healing equestrian experiences, outdoor family camping services, and rental of outdoor and local tourism products. Our integrated education and travel services aim to alleviate the mental and physical sub-health issues caused by today’s society.

“God made us all unique.” At our Study Lab*, students will learn through practice rather than rote memorization under the guidance of our mentors, coaches, or consultants in the mini educational labs. There is always a unique solution that is best for students; because of this, the future has infinite possibilities.

If our reputation is that we create miracles, we hope to create them together with you!

Our Features

Well-organized online and offline courses that cooperate with each other. Flexible and student-oriented schedule.

High-quality online courses that meet the high school curriculum standards in California and all the United States. (AP, UC A-G & honors, NCAA-approved courses, etc.)

Personal consultants to develop comprehensive and executable study plans and problem solutions.


*Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and other reasons, Study Lab is open irregularly in some areas. Please consult our representatives for the schedules, thank you!