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Membership Levels

Membership plans


Silver Plan


Expires after: 6 Months
  • 6-month comprehensive consulting service
  • Online and offline courses in any categories
    • Recommend for pre-K, TK, and K: Basic Swimming, Basic Art, Lego Fun, Nature World: animals and insects 1
    • Recommend for elementary school students: Basic Math 1: number brain training, Meet Our World and World Mystery, Crafting, Lego Creative, Dance (beginning), Swimming, Football, Kayak for kids, Nature World: animals and insects 2, Music (beginning), Piano (beginning and intermediate), English vocabulary workshop, etc.
    • Recommend for junior high school students: English Language Arts (beginning), English Grammar, Crafting (using tools), Spanish 101, French 101, Elementary Math, Dance (intermediate), Swimming, Volleyball, Football, Hiking, Plants and Herbs, Art, Color Matching, Music Theory (beginning), Piano (beginning and intermediate), Physical Science, etc.
  • One of the summer/winter programs included
Courses included: unlim


Gold Plan


Expires after: 6 Months
  • 6-month comprehensive consulting service
  • Online/offline courses and lectures in any categories
    • Recommend for pre-K, TK, and K: Same as the Silver Plan
    • Recommend for elementary school students: Same as the Silver Plan
    • Recommend for junior high school students: Same as the Silver Plan
    • Recommend for senior high school students: Health for Adolescents (balanced our emotions), English Literature, American Accent (VOA), British Accent (BBC), French (Vocabulary and Grammer), French (oral communication), Spanish (Vocabulary and Grammer), Spanish (oral communication), English Standard Test Preparation (TOEFL/IELTS), Western Etiquette, Human Geography, Common Sense in the United States, Art and Design College Application (Art & Portfolio Course Series), College Application (Science and Engineering Major Course Series), College Application (Medical Major Course Series), College Application (Business and Law Major Course Series), Fashion Design, Packaging design, Advertising Design, Animation Design, Film and Television Director's Portfolio Guidance, Competitive Sports Intensive, Plants and Herbs, Advanced Herbal Medicine, Outdoor Survival, Self Healing, Yoga (Basic), Hot Yoga, Indian Yoga, Relaxation Yoga, Cooking, Construction Tool Usage, etc.
    • A weekly one-on-one psychological counseling session
  • One of the summer/winter programs included
  • 1-month boarding service
Courses included: unlim

Platinum Plan


Secret plans: you will need to discuss this with our counselors first. The details of the plan will be released after our meeting. (Notice that the shown price for Platinum Plan is the default value. It may vary for different personalized plans. Thank you for your understanding!)  
  • Comprehensive consulting service
  • Online/offline courses and lectures in any categories, and the latest secret courses
  • Summer/winter programs
  • Boarding service
  • ...
Courses included: unlim